by Dominguiano, Renlyn P.
a short Creative Non-Fiction/Autobiography about myself for 21st Century

I was a little girl back then, and the only interest that I have is boys.
Whenever I'm interested in some boy, whenever I see them, I feel like my world is slowing down, and that's when I thought I am in love already.
Love has become an adventure to me, I experienced having a boyfriend on Facebook, and having a mutual understanding with my crushes back then.
I thought that I exist for them, to like me.
I want other people especially boys to have validation about myself.
I was a little girl full of happiness back then with other people's perceptions of me.
I was happy back then until I grow up and experienced the pressure of being an adult.
For the past months, I became an empty shell of a human being, but I am longing to experience the grasp of childhood and fall in love for the first time again.
I miss the innocent yet full of happiness and sincerity version of myself, even though I depend on other people.
I thought I can be cheerful again if I find a new boyfriend again, but I found a new interest other than boys, and that is writing and arts.
It was an interest that taught me how to express myself and show the world my talent and creations.
I found my own happiness and validation because of those things.
I thought that I exist for other people back then,
but now,
I exist for myself, my dreams, and my ambitions.
I'm really thankful to destiny who has written my path.
a/n: do not plagiarize this. that's all.